General Authority Meeting of Ashur International Bank

Referring to the book of Ashur International Bank No. (m A / 807) on 06.22.2015.
There will be a general assembly meeting of the company in the 07/13/2015 to discuss the following paragraphs: –
1-discuss the report of the Board of Directors for the financial year ended 12/31/2014 and take the necessary decisions on it.
2-Viewing the Audit Committee for the 2014 report.
3-discuss the auditor’s report and take the necessary decisions on it.
4-discuss the final accounts for the financial year ended 12.31.2014 and approval.
5-discuss the distribution of profits for the year 2014 amounting to (9.750.000.000) billion dinars at a rate of (3.9%) from the share capital of 250 billion dinars, according to the following paragraphs: –
(A) the distribution of the profits of 2014 amounting to (9.171.955.000) billion dinars.
(B) the distribution of the sum of (578.045.000) million from the accumulated surplus.
6-re-formation of the Audit Committee.
7-appointed auditor for the financial year 2015 and determine his remuneration.
8-clearance Chairman and members of the Board of Directors and determine the reward for the financial year 2014.
So it will be the last trading session on the company in 05.07.2015.

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