General Authority Meeting of the National Company for Chemical and Plastic Industries

Referring to the National Book of Chemical and Plastic Industries No. (59/10/1) on 09.22.2015.
Company’s General Assembly meeting will be held at exactly ten o’clock on Wednesday morning 07/10/2015 at the company’s headquarters to listen to the Board of Directors report on the Company’s activities for the fiscal year ended 12/31/2014 and ratify it and listen to the report of the Office of Financial Supervision and the company’s answer the general budget and final accounts for the financial year ended on 12.31.2014 and discuss and approval, and view a report evaluating the performance of the company for the years (2008-2012) and the discharge of the President and members of the Board of Directors. Accordingly, Thursday’s session will be the conciliator 09/29/2015 the last trading session on the company.

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