Amendment target Iraqi Company for Date Processing and Marketing

A reference to the Iraqi Company for book manufacturing and marketing of dates 03.03.2015 No. 423 in the annex book company registration No. 5564 Department dated 01.03.2015 (Amendment holding company).

Completed all necessary to amend the company’s goal contained in Article III of the Memorandum of Association of the company’s legal action by amending the company’s goal to become the operative part as follows:

(The company aims to do all the events and activities and actions that lead to the activation of the Iraqi economy and national development with respect to the manufacture and marketing of dates and do the import of supplies, equipment and materials for agricultural and industrial production and export of dates manufacturer and crude and all its derivatives and accessories, works and activities that contribute to the development of the company‘s performance and improve revenues and lead to achieve the goals of development) plan.

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