IDC Plans

  • Continue to open shareholders’ accounts and register their shares for listed companies.
  • Follow the procedures adopted by the IDC in registering and depositing shares of companies to be included in the future.
  • Follow up of listed companies and update their data in:

    (A) Updating the capital increase data of the listed companies.

    (B) Registration of shares that are not deposited in the listed companies in accordance with the procedures of  the IDC.

    (C) Annual and annual disclosure of the deposited shares, the number of depositors and the deposit rates for each company.

    (D) daily reconciliation of corporate capital.

    (E) Supervising the accounts of depositors’ shareholders.

    (F) inheritance transactions and family waiver and loss of share certificate.

    (G) Mortgage and stock seizure based on orders received from the judicial, official and banking authorities.

  • Publication of reports, statistical tables and news of companies listed on the website of the IDC  (www.idc-