Iraq Stock Exchange organized the second Global Conference for the period 8-9 May 2017 in Beirut under the title of (Iraq Stock Exchange, Investment Prospects and Trading Technology) within his yearly plan to attract foreign Investments and relation building, To Developing the capital market in Iraq and trading Technology.
At the Conclusion of the Conference, The Participants agreed the fallowing recommendation which can be applied according the Iraqi laws.
2- Attract the Global custodian Bank services with the Iraqi banks cooperation to attract the institutions Investment in the Iraqi shares through ISX.
3- Invite the global banks to issuing the depository receipt to the Iraqi stocks to list them throw the GDR & ADR market systems.
4- Promoting and Marketing the government Bonds which are issued by the central bank of Iraq and list them in the ISX and adopting a marketing plan to marketing the bonds through the ISX.
5- Obligate the listing companies to issue the Financial Statements according to international standard like the banking sector adapting to the rules of Federal board of Supervision audit.
6- Developing the disclosure procedures by the listing companies by paying attention to the investor`s relation’s and giving attention for the required information that can be disclosed through the website and adopting media plans to attract investment to the stock market .
7- Developing the Financial companies’ law NO. ( 6 ) 2011 through Organize the limitation of the investing in the stocks and increasing the capital of these companies and issuing new instructions to manage there or there investors portfolio’s to be as market makers .
8- Support the listed companies to apply the Article (55 / 4) from the Iraqi company’s law no. (21) 2004, to develop the mechanisms of building capital through the ISX.
9- Developing the technical cooperate between the ISX and the CBI and Iraqi Banks.
10- Relies the second level of trading system in addition of relies the online trade through 2017.
11- Organize the third forum the ISX in Baghdad in November 2017 to discusses the future plans and evaluate the implementation of this forum, and be sure to organize the future forums in the Global financial centers to attract new foreigner and the situational investments to the ISX .
At the Conclusion of the Conference, The Participants agreed the fallowing recommendation which can be applied according the Iraqi laws.
1- Issuing the new Capital Market Law dependents on the International standard, to activate the stock market and it`s parts.
2- Attract the Global custodian Bank services with the Iraqi banks cooperation to attract the institutions Investment in the Iraqi shares through ISX.
3- Invite the global banks to issuing the depository receipt to the Iraqi stocks to list them throw the GDR & ADR market systems.
4- Promoting and Marketing the government Bonds which are issued by the central bank of Iraq and list them in the ISX and adopting a marketing plan to marketing the bonds through the ISX.
5- Obligate the listing companies to issue the Financial Statements according to international standard like the banking sector adapting to the rules of Federal board of Supervision audit.
6- Developing the disclosure procedures by the listing companies by paying attention to the investor`s relation’s and giving attention for the required information that can be disclosed through the website and adopting media plans to attract investment to the stock market .
7- Developing the Financial companies’ law NO. ( 6 ) 2011 through Organize the limitation of the investing in the stocks and increasing the capital of these companies and issuing new instructions to manage there or there investors portfolio’s to be as market makers .
8- Support the listed companies to apply the Article (55 / 4) from the Iraqi company’s law no. (21) 2004, to develop the mechanisms of building capital through the ISX.
9- Developing the technical cooperate between the ISX and the CBI and Iraqi Banks.
10- Relies the second level of trading system in addition of relies the online trade through 2017.
11- Organize the third forum the ISX in Baghdad in November 2017 to discusses the future plans and evaluate the implementation of this forum, and be sure to organize the future forums in the Global financial centers to attract new foreigner and the situational investments to the ISX .